
    The Malicious Bot Playbook: Early Warning Signs, and What to Do About Them

    The Malicious Bot Playbook: Early Warning Signs, and What to Do About Them

    Bots account for nearly 40 percent of online traffic today, and a good chunk of those bots are malicious. From content scraping to inventory hoarding to credential stuffing, malicious bot actors are growing more complex and sophisticated every year — with many even able to bypass CAPTCHAs and other simple user verification tests.

    No single tactic can stop every bot, and prevent it from harming your users and your brand. The only effective approach is to stay alert for a diverse range of telltale bot warning signs.

    Download this paper to learn:

    • Why bots continue to grow
    • How to identify if you have a bot problem
    • The range of tactics you can use to contain bots

    Download The Malicious Bot Playbook: Early Warning Signs, and What to Do About Them Whitepaper


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